1421 Francisco Blvd E Ste 1, San Rafael, CA 94901 | Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm (415) 612-3933
Every vehicle needs an alternator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The battery and other electrical components are powered by it. Faulty alternators cause obvious problems. When your vehicle needs alternator repair, visit Auto Repair Specialist in San Rafael for quick and reliable service.
Electrical problems are often signs of a damaged alternator because it is in charge of powering your car's electrical systems and accessories. Your headlights may flicker or alter in brightness, and you might also encounter problems with the radio, the power windows, the sunroof, or the air conditioning.
The alternator is required to start the engine and charge the battery. There could be an issue if you turn the key and the engine won't start. A dead battery can also be the cause of this. If the car is able to start but dies soon after you jump the battery, the alternator is most likely to blame.
Poor alternators frequently make loud, odd noises. The alternator receives mechanical power from the engine via a belt. You may hear squeaking coming from under the hood if this belt is misaligned or worn down. The alternator may not spin quickly enough to produce enough electricity if the belt is worn. The bearings inside the alternator allow the internal stator to rotate together with the belt. These bearings start to hum over time as they corrode and degrade. As the bearings degenerate further, this noise gets louder.
Even the most meticulously maintained vehicles can suffer from sudden car trouble, especially as the miles add up. If your vehicle is showing signs of alternator trouble, be sure to visit Auto Repair Specialist at your earliest convenience. When our ASE-certified mechanics combine their years of experience with the latest automotive repair technology, we’re able to quickly and effectively fix auto issues. Give us a call at
(415) 612-3933 to schedule service or to request an estimate for the cost of auto repair in San Rafael or the surrounding California communities.
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Our modern auto shop is staffed by ASE certified technicians who have decades of combined experience servicing all makes and models of Asian, European and domestic cars, vans, SUVs and light trucks.
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