Keep Cool in San Rafael With AC Maintenance

Auto Repair Specialist • 10 August 2024

Having a fully functional AC system is a must for San Rafael summers. However, to maintain the flow of fresh air, maintenance is needed. We discuss tips for keeping your vehicle’s air conditioning system in good working order and preventing costly repairs. When it’s time to schedule AC maintenance for your vehicle, visit Auto Repair Specialist in San Rafael.

Run Your AC Regularly

Regular use is essential to maintaining the efficiency of your air conditioning system, even during the winter. Running the air conditioner circulates oil and refrigerant throughout the system, preventing the seals from drying out and potentially leaking. Regular use also lowers stress levels, which improves performance when it matters most. You can prolong the life of your air conditioning system by turning it on for a short period every few weeks, even if you don't need cold air.

Replace the Cabin Filter

To keep the air in your car clean and free of pollutants, change the cabin filter. If the cabin filter clogs, the ventilation and conditioning system's performance may suffer. Replacing the filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles will ensure optimal operation of the air conditioning system and improve the air quality.

Check for Leaks

Low refrigerant levels can cause harm to air conditioners. Check the hoses of the air conditioning system for obvious leaks, such as a buildup of grease at couplings and connectors. If you hear strange hissing sounds, feel warm air coming from the vents, or notice a drop in cooling, there might be a refrigerant leak.

Inspect Belts 

AC failure or inefficient performance may arise from belt degradation, cracking, or breaking over time. Make sure the belts are properly tensioned and look for wear indicators like fraying or cracking to prevent problems. If you find any issues with your AC system, replace the belts right away.

AC Repair and Maintenance in San Rafael

If your vehicle needs AC repair or maintenance, be sure to visit Auto Repair Specialist at your earliest convenience. When our ASE-certified mechanics combine their years of experience with the latest automotive repair technology, we’re able to quickly and effectively fix auto issues. Give us a call at (415) 612-3933 to schedule a service or to request an estimate for the cost of AC repair in San Rafael or the surrounding California communities.

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