1421 Francisco Blvd E Ste 1, San Rafael, CA 94901 | Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm (415) 612-3933
Do you have issues with your engine? Engine problems, which can range from unusual noises to diminished performance, can annoy any car owner. We discuss the most frequent engine problems and how to fix them below. When it’s time to get your engine back in shape in San Rafael, CA, don’t delay a visit to Auto Repair Specialist.
A dead battery, a damaged starter motor, a clogged fuel filter, or an improperly functioning ignition switch can all prevent the engine from starting. Turn the key and listen for a clicking or whirring sound to identify the source. If you hear it, the starter motor or battery is probably to blame. If there isn't any noise, the ignition switch or fuel system is likely to be the problem. You can either attempt to jump-start the battery, fix the starter motor or fuel filter, or have a mechanic replace the ignition switch to resolve this issue.
The check engine light can turn on for a number of reasons. A loose or damaged gas cap is the most common cause. Additional potential offenders include a broken oxygen sensor, ignition coil, or catalytic converter. If you encounter any of these problems, bring your car to an experienced technician for evaluation and repair.
Overheating may be caused by a malfunctioning thermostat, a clogged radiator, a dripping coolant reservoir, or a defective water pump. Overheating could result in severe damage to the car's engine and other components. A dashboard warning light, an unexpected lack of power, a burning odor, or steam emerging from the engine bay can all be signs of an overheating engine.
Check your coolant levels frequently to avoid engine overheating and to make sure your cooling system is functioning properly. Stop driving right away if your engine overheats, and wait until it has cooled before attempting any repairs.
At Auto Repair Specialist, our expert mechanics provide professional engine repair in San Rafael for all gas and diesel-powered cars and light trucks. If you've noticed an engine oil leak, increased exhaust smoke, engine knocking noises, the check engine light, or a general decrease in performance or fuel efficiency, see us for engine diagnostics or give us a call at (415) 612-3933
to schedule an appointment! We'll complete a thorough analysis of the situation and let you know what your options are. As necessary, our engine shop can complete an engine swap to restore the driveability of your car or truck without worrying about ongoing issues.
Please fill in the form below and we'll have a representative contact you.
About Us
Our modern auto shop is staffed by ASE certified technicians who have decades of combined experience servicing all makes and models of Asian, European and domestic cars, vans, SUVs and light trucks.
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