What To Do if You Get a Flat Tire on the Road in San Rafael

Auto Repair Specialist • 9 March 2024

Have you gotten a flat tire while driving? It's a problem that can quickly transform a pleasant drive into a nightmare. Below, we'll look at what happens if you drive with a flat tire and how to deal with it. When you need to replace a damaged tire in San Rafael, CA, visit Auto Repair Specialist to check out our selection of quality new and used tires.

How Far Can You Drive on a Flat Tire?

How long you can drive with a flat tire depends on several factors, including the severity of the flat, your speed, and tire type. In general, we do not recommend driving on a flat tire for more than a mile or two at a slow speed until you can come to a safe stop. If you have a spare tire and know how to change it, drive on the spare until you can get to a tire store for a replacement.

Is It Dangerous To Drive on a Flat Tire?

Driving with a flat tire exposes your car to several issues. The most pressing worry is damage to the flat tire itself since repeated friction with the road can shred it or cause irreparable damage. Aside from the tire, driving with a flat can damage the wheel, suspension components, and even the car's alignment. The unbalanced weight distribution stresses several parts of your vehicle, potentially leading to more serious and costly problems in the future. It also endangers you and your vehicle's safety. Handling becomes uncertain, and the likelihood of losing control or causing an accident rises dramatically.

Tire Sales and Repairs in San Rafael

Auto Repair Specialist offers used and new tires in San Rafael for all types of vehicles from name brands that you know and trust, such as Cooper, Hankook, Michelin, and Toyo. We also offer many tire services, such as flat tire repair, tire balancing, and tire rotation. Don't put off fixing or replacing tires when necessary, as healthy tires are key to safe and reliable driving. Call us at (415) 612-3933 to learn more.

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